The Golden State Chapter of CMAA
Position/Internship Postings
Position/Internship Postings on the website are free of charge for members. Please submit your posting in a PDF format to with the appropriate subject line: Position Posting or Internship Posting. Please include contact information for where interested candidates can send their resumes.
Position postings are removed after 90 days. Please notify us if you fill the position sooner, so that we can keep our site current, or if you would like to have it posted again after the initial 90 days. If you would like your posting emailed to all members of the state, the fee is $225 if you are a member; the non-member rate is $325.

For sample job postings and descriptions please visit our Job Descriptions page.
Resume Postings
Resumes are posted at no charge. Please state the desired position, include your contact information, and submit via email as a PDF file to with the following subject line: Resume Posting (or Intern Resume Posting if you are seeking an internship).

In order to be posted, your submission must be appropriate and complete. We do not edit submissions, so please follow these guidelines or we will not post it:
  • State clearly the position you are looking to find in a private club
  • Include your contact information in the e-mail and within the document
  • Include your attachment as a PDF
Resumes will be removed after 90 days, contact us if you would like the resume posted again.